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Interview with Sophie Auster: "Next Time" spanish tour

During the next month of May, the american artist Sophie Auster will be touring our country to present her new album Next Time (BMG, 2019). New themes and new musical perspective that makes the artist leave the comfort zone and we could ask her some questions about it. 

(Sophie Auster)
Sophie Auster already has an extensive career as an artist in various facets. Focusing on the one that concerns us, we wanted to ask her about the sensations after publishing the new album Next Time and here we leave you this little interview.

1.- An important characteristic that media are highlightning of your new album is the developed evolution on your music. But I'd like to have your own opinion and what was the impulse to get that new direction on music.
I think the evolution of my music is indicative of my path into adulthood and understanding and embracing myself more as I’ve grown up. I feel more focused and more at home in myself and I think that shows in the music.

2.- It is inevitable think about your parents because all of you are forming an complete artistic family. I was reading sometimes that your mother and your father gave their opinion on your work, not always good. Was it an incentive?
My parents have always been very honest and upfront with me about what it takes to be an artist and they take my music very seriously. If I ask for their opinion, they give it to me. I want the work to be as strong as possible and it is important to have people in your corner that believe in you enough to tell you when you haven’t delivered or lived up to your full potential. As my mother says “Criticism must come on a bed of trust”.

3.- "Next Time" is the title of your new album and the songs employed for presentation are diverses. From "Mexico" to "Dance with me" give us the impresion that your were travelling along your own needs. Could be a little escape of the stablishment? Are you going forward?
I think there is a bit “lost in translation” in this question, but I will do my best to answer. I have never subscribed to what is popular or trendy when it comes to making music. It has to feel right to me and my influences are mostly from another time. I wanted to bring these influences from jazz, 60’s pop, and old country into this album and update it and make it feel fresh. I am always moving forward and I am constantly trying to challenge myself. I always want the next thing to be better than the last. “Next Time” is a fitting title for this album and the way I approach my art.

4.- You are about to visit Spain to present "Next Time" in concerts and a couple of months ago you were performing your new themes on "Los conciertos de Radio 3" on TV. In that case it was an acoustic version but your concerts in may will count with some spanish musicians from spanish band Tachenko. How do you knew these people?
I was introduced to the Spanish band through my touring agency in Spain, Heart of Gold, and they are fantastic humans and great musicians. I’m really looking forward to having them join us on the road.

5.- Let's go back to "Next Time", because I was reading that your initial concept of the album was completely reorganizated. It is a great challenge to face that.
Before “Next Time” came to be, I had recorded a completely different record in New York. None of the songs you hear on “Next Time” were on this initial effort. It was a tough decision to start again, but ultimately it led me to the record I wanted to make. Figuring out what you don’t want can lead you to what you do.

6.- Your voice sounds beautiful a little lower than before. By listening "Rising sun" I think you don't forget your american roots, of course, but let the doors open to new experiences. What kind of music are your listening or were you listening to inspire?
Thank you! During the recording of the album we listened to everything from Electric Light Orchestra to Peggy Lee.

7.- There are four shows scheduled in Spain. What is your opinion of the Spanish audience? I think you were being expected since a long time.
There is actually now 5 shows in Spain! I will be in Bilbao on May 12th, Madrid on May 14, Barcelona on May 15,  Malaga on May 16, and Orense on May 18th! I love playing in Spain! I love the audience, the food, the culture. I’m thrilled to be performing again in these cities.

Thanks for your time and I hope to see you soon in concert.
Thank You! 


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