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Playlist "Ábrete de Orejas"

:papercutz interviewed about next concerts on Monkey Week Sevilla

:papercutz is one of the experimental projects that Portugal shares to the world of electronic music. They build enigmatic compositions close to dark new wave or delightful club sessions that gives to their next appearance on Monkey Week -SON Estrella Galicia festival a plus of interest. Let's know some more about the band by this little interview before coming to Seville.

(Image: Maria Louceiro)
1.- What could be the style where :papercutz seems to be more comfortable?
We've been mutating cause the instrumental production has been following the lyrical and album concepts but we keep some of the sonic elements that people can still recognise as being our own. I would say working around electronic pop but bringing in cinematic or ambient sounds than you usually don’t find and lately some world music exotic influences. Our main idea is to create our own little recognisable space in the music fauna. Not an easy task for sure.

2.- Since 2008 you have been experimented with electronic music with a lot of textures. Time goes by....¿have you feel some kind of change on your point of view during these years?
I was really more into experimental sounds in the beginning and studio sessions but lately there's a sense of working around song based format and also how it translates to a live setting. That is big part of who we are right now, a studio but also a live band.

3.- Music industry changed but electronic music always have a particular space with lots of followers.  Have you that impression on Portugal? I think this is a great unknown country.
Electronic pop has been on the slowly on rise in Portugal. It took longer than other places but there's finally some very interesting acts with a sound of their own. We've always been fans of club sounds but there hasn't been a translation from it into more wide range of crossover listeners until know. I agree is still an unknown country music wise, tourism is booming though, but there's still a lot of work to be done in terms of showing our music to the rest of the world. I think next couple of years and with the help of an export music office such as 'Why Portugal' that reality might change.

4.- With three records, E.P.s and various remixes,  you have developed an enigmatic sound,  very ambient music with pills of dark pop and new wave.  Will you play new songs on Monkey Week? What do you expect from your visit to Sevilla?
Its a set made mostly of all new songs from our upcoming record 'King Ruiner’. We've toured Spain recently and I was pleasantly surprised by the reaction to our show since we're not based around rock music which is something people tend to relate to Spain. Also I met one of the festival’s founders Jesús Guisado, in other festivals and he described the stages and attendees vibe as true outgoing lovers of live music (as you’d expect from the Spanish with all their amazing festivals) so I'm pretty excited to play the show.

(Image: Maria Louceiro)
 5.- Recently I was seeing your videos and listen a live performance. What about the show?
Our live show is made up of really dynamic moments, sometimes more intimate and others more euphoric and danceable. People to call our show as sort of little musical escapist journey which I take as big compliment cause that's what we're looking for. For you to get lost in the sounds ambience and performance.

6.- Would you tell us which were your influences on compositions? What is the music that you enjoy ?

Not easy questions to answer to. I also work as music producer for other acts and have been writing music scores so I listen to a lot music. :papercutz wise and for this last record we listened to a lot world or fourth world (imaginary landscapes) sounds.

7.- As an ending question,  and hoping see you on Monkey Week, tell me: five years since "The blur between us"... "Trust/Surrender" is the future :papercutz's way?

Not really. That was an off shoot single that came out of a studio session. The record is somewhat different though they share the same big wide chorus vocals. Our new way is really in the latest songs that festival goers will be only be able to listen at Monkey Week, for now at least.

"Thank you very much for your time and I hope you have a good time in Sevilla"

Gracias Paco for the interview! Keep up the good (music) fight.


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